nema-green® contains nematodes of the species Heterorhabditis bacteriophora for biological control of white grubs and other lawn pests.
Against which pests can nema-green® be used?
Grubs are the larvae of the leaf horn beetle. The best-known pests of this family in our country are the cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha), the June beetle (Amphimallon solstitiale), the garden leaf beetle (Phyllopertha horticola) and the tumble weevil (Hoplia philanthus).
If you do not know exactly which grub you are dealing with, use our free identification service.
Mode of action of nema-green®
With nema-green®, white grubs on lawns can be controlled biologically, effectively and sustainably - without danger to people, pets and plants. All products contain beneficial nematodes that penetrate the living grubs and secrete their biological bacterium, causing the pest to die after two to three days. The nematodes reproduce in the dead hosts, leaving them after about two weeks and seeking new, living hosts. This process continues until the number of pests is greatly reduced.

Advantages of nema-green®
- 100% organic
- Lasting effect
- No formation of resistance
- No microplastic
- High effectiveness
- Nematodes directly from the manufacturer
Application of nema-green® on lawns.
It is best to choose an overcast or rainy day to apply the nematode liquid. The ideal season for controlling grubs with nematodes is July through September.
First, stir the bag contents of nema-green® well into water as described on the inside of the package. If a smaller lawn is infested, a standard watering can with a watering sprayer is very suitable. Use the liter measure in the watering can to make the desired concentration.
After application, rain the nematode ends into the soil with the garden hose. This will make it easier for the nematodes to penetrate the soil. Of course, this is not necessary when it is raining. For larger lawns we recommend the time and effort saving application with the nematode sprayer. This is connected to the garden hose and allows easy and even distribution. After treating the lawn with nema-green®, the soil must be kept moist for two weeks.
Application time
Garden leaf beetle: mid-July (6-8 weeks after beetle flight) until end of September
June beetle: mid-August (6-8 weeks after beetle flight) to mid-September
Follower beetles: April to early May, as soon as soil temperatures reach 12°C during the day.
Frequently asked questions
Nematodes of the species Heterorhabditis bacteriophora against white grubs in turf.
application note nema-green® 5-50 mio