Distribution partner
Unfortunately, much of the growth of recent decades has been at the expense of nature. Although the use of chemical insecticides, herbicides and fungicides has increased productivity in food production immensely, it has also been accompanied by devastating side effects. The negative consequences, such as the decline in biodiversity or damage to human and animal health, are becoming increasingly apparent. For more than 25 years now, we have been committed to identifying and providing alternatives. In order to promote organic crop protection internationally, we are constantly looking for partners to expand our global network. We work with growers, distributors and consultants from over 30 countries to grow together and promote the use of organic crop protection products worldwide.
When technology and nature join forces, great things can be achieved. We have been researching, producing and working according to this motto for 25 years now. We are the absolute specialist when it comes to the cultivation and production of entomopathogenic nematodes on an industrial scale. With over 15 of our own nematode products and various commercial products in countries all over the world, we are the market leader in the field of biological plant protection products based on nematodes. In order to meet the increasing demand for biological crop protection products, we increased our production capacities at an early stage and thus prepared ourselves for the future.

To get our nematodes to where they are needed, we work with partners and distributors on all continents. Would you like to purchase products from us or become a sales partner for us? Then please get in touch with us.