Nematodes in
Fresh fruit is healthy and delicious, especially if it comes from your own garden. It is all the more annoying when you have uninvited guests in your strawberry beds or apple trees. Typical pests such as the black vine weevil in soft fruits or fruit maggots in apples and pears can be controlled effectively and biologically with nematodes. So you can enjoy the fruits of your labour to the full.
Controlling pests in apple trees
Almost everyone who has an apple tree in their garden is familiar with the annoyance of wormy and inedible fruit. This is usually the result of an infestation by codling moth larvae, also called fruit maggots. Our product nemapom® contains useful nematodes of the species Steinernema feltiae, which are specialised in the control of codling moth larvae and also apple sawflies. nemapom® is 100% biological and completely harmless for humans and animals.

Whether strawberries, blueberries or raspberries. Unfortunately, berry fruits are a popular target for garden pests such as the black vine weevil or white grubs. Black vine weevils and their larvae feed on the roots of the plants and thus impair growth. In the worst case, this can lead to the death of the entire plant. With our products nematop® and nemamax® these pests can be controlled biologically and sustainably.