e-nema at international tradeshow „Mushroom Days“

Ulrich Tiemann und Sabrina Sieger at the e-nema booth
The international Mushroom Days is organized in the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch, on Wednesday 10, Thursday 11 and Friday 12 May, 2023. It is the biggest and most spectacular international tradeshow for the edible mushroom industry worldwide.
e-nema is present as an exhibitor at booth no. 25 at the fair.
The biggest pests in mushroom cultivation are fungus gnats and phorid flies. These two species can be controlled biologically and effectively with nematodes. Our International Sales Manager Sabrina Sieger and our Mushroom Expert Ulrich Tiemann introduce our products containing beneficial nematodes, which are specialized in controlling larvae of fungus gnats and phorid flies.