

They are used, among other things, in agriculture, in the food sector or in medicine to combat harmful fungi.

What are the different types of fungicides?

Chemical and biological.
The classic chemical fungicides are produced synthetically in the laboratory.
These are active compounds to kill or inhibit the growth of fungi or their spores.
Biological fungicides, on the other hand, come from nature. These can be fungi or bacteria that are natural antagonists of harmful fungi. Or agents based on naturally occurring substances with fungicidal activity, such as sulfur and copper preparations.

Examples of naturally occurring fungi with fungicidal activity include

Aureobasidium pullulans - builds a protective shield on the plant, preventing other harmful fungi from infecting the plant.
Ampelomyces quisqualis - penetrates and feeds on the mycelium (= branched fungal network) of harmful powdery mildew fungi.
Clonostachys rosea - also feeds on the mycelium of other fungi, also strengthens plant growth.
Example of a naturally occurring bacterium with fungicidal activity

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens - a soil bacterium used against harmful fungi in grapes, tomatoes and strawberries.